Simple Steps to a Fully Functioning Immune System Part 2
Foods that help to fight infection (in particular viruses) garlic, oregano, rosemary, liquorice, ginger, peppermint, basil, sage and dandelion. Eat more fibre this means more vegetables, nuts, seeds and wholegrains. Fibre increases the amount of short chain fatty acids in the gut, these in turn help to boost macrophages which can reduce inflammation in the lungs during […]
Simple Steps to a Fully Functioning Immune System
In light of the current climate I thought it might be helpful to give some top tips on how to keep our immune system as strong as possible. Many people will get the Coronavirus and their immune systems will bat it off like a fly, those are the people who have a robust immune system. […]
The End is in Sight
After a few years of boring everyone with the fact that I am writing a book, I can now say that it is going to be ready in May. I am self publishing because I did not want to be controlled over what I had to say about certain bodies who are being driven by […]